Sunday, June 04, 2006

XIGLOO : IGLOO with library automation first screenshots

After about three months of development process, here comes the first screenshot of XIGLOO RC1 (Release Candidat) library automation. XIGLOO is a library automation module for IGLOO. With XIGLOO now possible for IGLOO users to have a fully automated library system that support circulation transaction, membership and reporting. XIGLOO combine ISIS database as a bibliographic database and MySQL database as a membership and circulation database. XIGLOO hope will be an alternative for library which already have ISIS database and want to circulize their collection in easy web-based way, just like IGLOO did.

XIGLOO Login Page Before entering XIGLOO, Library Staff must have a username and password that are registered in XIGLOO database.
XIGLOO Homepage First XIGLOO page after logon to XIGLOO. Box on the right side is library annoucement from XIGLOO administrator and also alert of member(s) having loan overdue.
XIGLOO Membership List XIGLOO registered membership list. Staff can be searched by name or their ID.
XIGLOO Member Registration The XIGLOO member registration form. This form is used to register new library member
XIGLOO Member Details Library member data details enable the library staff to change member biodata, view member borrow history and also make a payment for member overdue. XIGLOO count and sum library members overdue data automatically based on membership type.
XIGLOO Transaction XIGLOO circulation transacation process take an idea of e-commerce shopping cart, all the item to borrow is placed on temporary basket and then after the transaction is finished it inserted to database. To input the member ID or item number, a barcode reader can be used.
XIGLOO Item Data XIGLOO make a cache of bibliographic records that have been borrowed, so for next transaction with same records will be fetched from MySQL database rather than fetched from ISIS database (which consume more memory)
XIGLOO Statistic SQL database like MySQL make it easier to generate simple XIGLOO statistic

XIGLOO Administrator Section
XIGLOO Library Staff Administration Administrator can register, edit, change password or removing library staff in this page.
XIGLOO Membership Type Administration XIGLOO Administrator can define new membership type/rules in this page. Membership Rules will affect how many days member can borrow an item, how long the membership, how much the overdue fee on each day etc.
XIGLOO ISIS Database Administration All ISIS database that want to be used in circulation must be registered here first.

The first release of XIGLOO maybe around 3rd week of June 2006. Now XIGLOO is still 90% complete, and i still working on some features such as item reborrow on circulation, announcement before loan due date and some debugging. I'm currently developing XIGLOO in UNIX platform(FreeBSD), and it should be compatible with other platform to, such as Windows. What you need is only PHP, PHP-Openisis and MySQL database.